An upgraded temperature monitoring system based on temperature probes with copper-constantan thermocouple sensors.


LLC “TEMIX” upgrades temperature monitoring systems based on temperature probes with copper-constantan thermocouple sensors (manufactured by Safe Grain, BOONE, and others). In the upgraded system, the collection, primary processing, and transmission of data from the sensors to a PC are carried out using BIT-TP temperature measurement units.

The upgraded system offers the following advantages:

  • Automated data collection and processing;
  • Data visualization (graphs, report printing);
  • Data archiving;
  • Generation of fire alarm signals;
  • System performance analysis;
  • Integration into the enterprise’s automated process control system (APCS);
  • Low cost per measurement channel.


The number of sensors in the temperature probe

up to 18

Technical documentation

Паспорт на БИТ-ТП-144 Паспорт на БИТ-ТП-144