
The elevator thermometry system is a complex of hardware and software tools for monitoring the temperature of grain mass during storage in silos, warehouses, and bunkers.

To collect, store, display, and log information about the temperature of monitored objects and the status of recording equipment, as well as to generate alarm signals, corresponding software – Operational Information Complex (OIC) “Thermometry” has been developed, providing grain temperature monitoring.

The operation of the “Thermometry” OIC software is based on the “Client-Server” technology. Information is received and processed by the data reception server (DRS), stored and archived on the database server (DBS), and displayed on operator’s client workstations. The client and server parts can be located on the same PC or on multiple PCs, depending on the technical requirements of the Customer.

Temperature information can be presented both graphically (grain storage schematics, level maps of the selected object, temperature change dynamics graphs) and in text form (reports).


Demo version of the OIC “Thermometry” [SOFTWARE – OIC «THERMOMETRY»] 6699 Kb

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Демо ДемоКерівництво користувача ПЗ ОIК ТЕРМОМЕТРИЯ Керівництво користувача ПЗ ОIК ТЕРМОМЕТРИЯ